So it's been quite a little bit since I've been one here. Life kind of got in the way. So here is the 411 of what has happened since my baby announcement!
We have finally moved back to the United States and are living in SoCal! We got into a beautiful rental house got all of out home goods stuff and my car came in last week! So we have been super busy unpacking and organizing!
We also found our the gender of our little bean!
Also, we have seen Nate's mom a few times since we've been back and she is slowly progressing! We also just got back from Utah this last weekend from attending the baby shower my mom and sister threw us! So now this week, I've been relaxing a ton and just recovering from the long road trip we took.
I also became a BzzAgent and will be doing a bunch of reviews on products! So keep a look out for those!
xx- Jay