
I created this blog originally to keep friends and family updated with my life away from "home". A place to write down my thoughts and life events, maybe even some beauty blogging who knows!



"The longer I live, the more I realize the inpact of attitude on life. Attitue, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than crcumstances, than failure, than successe, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than apperance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regardunf the attitude we will embrace for that day. we cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes" - Charles R. Swindoll

“The good critic is he who relates the adventures of his soul among masterpieces” - Anatole France

Saturday, January 18, 2014


I know it's been a couple weeks since I last posted but it's been a little busy. So after I finished the cleanse I started clean eating, not as had as I thought it would be. I'm still holding sting and making healthy choices! Since then I started to go to spin class twice a week. OMG the first day (Tuesday, Jan. 7th) after spin I seriously felt like I was going to throw up near the end and after. My legs we jelly and the few days after they killed! Friday my legs killed but not as bad as the days perviously but I went to spin again. That class I killed it! I didn't throw up, I kept up with the class, and my legs felt awesome. They burned but not crazy bad like the first day. This week I only got a chance to go to spin once because I had to go to this class for moving that is mandatory for my husband, and there is only one class on Fridays. Man that class was boring but informational though.

We've also been going strong with eating mostly vegetarian. We had meat a couple times this week (Nate may had more since I don't alway pack his lunch) and I made an awesome quinoa soup! I really enjoy quinoa :)

Oh! We also got our new Breville JE98LX juicer in the mail this week and tried out first juice. I must say it wasn't bad and it was pretty filling! Next weeks adventure challenge the Nate is actually joining me in is a 10 day juice fast! I'll be posting my day to day progress, starting Monday, and feelings hopefully everyday to help me keep juicing!

Today, I'm gonna be trying out some salad recipes and compiling my list of fruits and veggies we need to start juicing! Time to snuggle with my Romi bunny and drink a warm cup of tea on this rainy gloomy day.

xx- Jay

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Skinny Bunny Cleanse Complet!!!

I did it!!! I completed the 5 day Skinny Bunny Cleanse that Rabbit Food For My Rabbit Teeth provided, I'm also going to start following her Rabbit Food Pyramid too. I am feeling pretty accomplished today!

Final weigh in weight: 197.6

Total weight loss: 7.2 pounds

Yay!!! I'm so proud that I stuck with the cleanse. Day 3 and 4 were pretty hard for me, I'm not going to lie. For a few minutes I thought I wasn't going to make it, but I pushed myself and I did! I wen't out for girls coffee with my friends Bindi and Ashly and they both told me I looked a little slimmer. Bindi insist that I needed to have before and after photos... I've very hesitant to post them but I will do it. My before picture was taken by my photographer friend John Gess ( would link him but he doesn't have his page up yet) I believe end of November, early December of 2013. A friend of mine that is getting into the modeling industry talked me into getting photos done. I guess to try to boost my self confidence. Not sure it really worked but the photos look pretty good, I also have pink hair. Here they are!

Before cleanse.

After cleanse.

I can't tell a difference at all in the pictures. But then my husband said you can never really tell on yourself unless it's a huge change. But after the cleanse I've noticed my pants fitting a little better and I have a ton more energy and the need to eat healthy. So, in all I've very happy with the results!

Today Nate and I went grocery shopping and we stayed away from as much processed food as we could. We are on a small base and getting a lot of organic stuff can be a little difficult. In fact, I'm kind of wondering why we didn't go the Interspar (one of the Italian super markets) for out fruits and veggies. I should of thought of that, jeeze, oh well next shopping trip. We got a ton of veggies and fruit and a ton of organic thing we like to eat. It's going to be fun trying new clean recipes! Oh I also had my cheat meal for lunch, real Italian pizza from New Risto Pizza. First day I've had meat or bread since I started my clean. I was telling my husband after I had some pizza that I felt kind of guilty eating it. I'm not sure it if was because I was eating meat or because it was pizza... Next week I should be starting spin with my friend Heather. Hopefully I won't die! Now if only my juicer would get here :P

Here's to starting to eat clean!
xx- Jay

Friday, January 3, 2014

Skinny Bunny Cleanse - Day 5

I finally made it to the last day of the cleanse! Weight this morning was 198.6

Today has been pretty easy, maybe not as easy as the first 2 days, but easy. I have been looking up clean eating recipes all day and I think I'm ready for it. I'm not going to write too much tonight because I want to save most of that for my results post tomorrow! I am however gonna say I am feeling very accomplished as I write this! Off to bed!

xx- Jay

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Skinny Bunny Cleanse - Day 4

Weight check in! Today I hopped on the scale and it read 199.6!

I must admit today has been hard. I, not being a big fan of yogurt have not been wanting to eat it. I've never really liked the texture of yogurt and today I think I've hit the point where it's really starting to get to me. Also, my husband went out and bought a sandwich from a bakery and OMG I sooo wanted to seal his lunch and eat it. I didn't thought, instead I reminded myself I just have today and tomorrow to get through! I didn't realize I had so much self control when it came to food. I'm getting a little worried though for after this cleanse. I don't want to backslide, so today I already started to semi get a meal plan in place.

Since it is some what impossible to not be tempted on the weekend when my husband is off work, like in my post from the day before, I decided to give myself a "cheat" day once a week. Limitations are it has to be in moderation and I'm not allowed to take home leftovers if the meal is huge! I think I'm somewhat making Nate think about getting on a healthier diet as well. I kind of hope so if he is on board because it will make it much easier on me, especially so I won't have to make two separate meals for each of us.

Other than that I'm doing good!
xx- Jay

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Skinny Bunny Cleanse - Day 3

Checking in! Weight this morning was 201.2 pounds!

Today has gotten easier and harder at the same time. Easier because I've distracted myself most of today with house hold cleaning. Harder because every time I see pictures or shows that have food in them I want it lol. Ugh how I want a big juicy buyer right now! I also almost ate a priced of chocolate without even thinking. Before I even unwrapped it I remembered NO, you are half way through this cleanse. I have worked way to hard to keep up the cleanse to ruin it with a piece of chocolate.

I've decided today that once I start my clean eating, I'm allowed one meal a week that is either fast food or eating out. If I stray from that then. Hopefully I have enough self control that I can stick to the plan. I don't want to deprive myself of not being able to have some of my favorite foods all together. If I do deprive myself I will doom myself because I will break and backslide into my eating non stop ways.

Also, I'm having Nate bring my elliptical back into the living room for me to be able to get my workout on. I already know if I try to go to they base gym anytime after new years for a month that it will be jam packed with people trying to full full their new years resolution. Losing weight isn't my resolution this year, mine is getting my freelance business in hair and makeup up and going and hopefully going back to school (school is a maybe depends on what is going on). I'm not losing weight or doing clean eating for a resolution. Those never work out like that. I'm doing it because I want to do it for myself and for my health.

Happy New Year!
xx- Jay